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A: You start by completing the online volunteer application. The adult applications for the Downtown campus and the Community campus are available online year-round; teen and college online applications are only offered seasonally.

  • Online: Go to qgkqrt.megaceram.net/volunteers - This will take you to a web form page. Complete each field and then click the 'Submit' button.
  • If you do not have access to a computer, we can mail you an application. Complete it and return it to our office. 
  • 有人会联系你,为你提供进一步的信息,并可能安排一个面试的时间. 如果你被安排面试,你的兴趣和医院的需要将被讨论. 
  • After the interview, you will be given medical forms & consents. 你需要获得医院的体检证明,我们会进行背景调查.


A: Not quite. 不是每个人都适合在医院做志愿者,所以我们会审查每一份申请,并通知那些非常适合并符合我们当前需求的人. 潜在的志愿者要经历一个从面试开始的入职过程. 背景调查和健康许可必须在开始在推荐最近最火的赌博软件志愿服务之前获得. 

Q: Are all volunteer applicants accepted?

A: While we endeavor to place each applicant, 找到一份既适合申请人又适合医院的工作并不总是可能的.



A: If you are an appropriate match for our program, 我们团队的一名成员一有时间就会和你联系, generally within a few days.

Q: How long does the application and review process take?

A: 成为一名志愿者的整个过程可能需要4-10周. 志愿者经过严格审查,以提供高质量的志愿者支持.

Q: What volunteer opportunities are there at Upstate?

A: We have more than 30 volunteer positions available. Opportunities range from clinical to clerical & 具体的志愿者职位可以在面试中讨论.  However, 一些地区的空间有限,由于某些部门的受欢迎程度,志愿者不一定能得到他们的第一选择.   Placement is dependent upon your abilities & preferences as well as the needs of the hospital. 

While our greatest need may change from time to time, 一般来说,我们在白天最需要帮助, Monday through Friday.

Q: Do I have to work with sick people?

A: The Upstate health care system is varied. 在整个上州的办公室都有行政协助的机会, and you may not need to work directly with patients.

Q: What’s the difference in the Downtown & Community Campuses?

A: The biggest difference is simply, location.  There are some opportunities that occur on only one campus.  For example; Maternity, 泉源和过渡护理单位都在社区校园, while the Cancer Center, 儿童医院和儿科急诊科在市中心校区.

Q: How often do I need to volunteer?

A一旦你完成了在Upstate的志愿者培训,并被允许开始, 志愿者服务部会为你安排一个定期的活动, fixed 根据你的可用日期/时间和时间表上的开放时间来安排. 

我们让您轻松灵活地安排志愿者工作时间. 轮班通常以4小时为单位,早在早上6点开始,大多数轮班在晚上8点结束. 只有在晚上10点到午夜之间下班的班次例外. While some departments may offer weekend shifts, 大多数志愿者职位只在周一到周五的上午8点到下午4点半之间提供.

All volunteers begin with one placement.  We recommend that you get to know the hospital, 同事志愿者和工作人员之前,承诺每周超过一次轮班.

Q: I only want to volunteer one day or for a special event. Is this possible?

A: Upstate’s Volunteer Department hopes for long-term relationships with our volunteers; typically coming in for a 4-hr shift once a week, every week. 

但是,欢迎您通过访问Team Upstate查询活动志愿服务: qgkqrt.megaceram.net/teamupstate/.  你也可以访问基金会,也许还可以参加他们的一个活动: http://www.upstatefoundation.org/

问:我是一个有工作的成年人,只有周末或晚上有空. Is there an opportunity for me?

A志愿者服务部只有几个周末和晚上的轮班. 请在面试时通知经理你的时间限制.  Additionally, 上州提供某些项目,如生命终结伴侣项目, which works on an on-call basis. 

Q: At what age may I begin volunteering?

A: 青少年志愿者是年龄在15到17岁之间的高中生. 北州的青少年志愿者计划只在夏季提供.  你必须在6月1日之前年满15岁才有资格申请我们的青少年志愿者暑期项目 http://qgkqrt.megaceram.net/volunteers/teen.php


Q: I want to work with sick/injured children. Is that possible?

A: Possibly.  Popular areas of service, such as pediatrics, oncology, and surgery have limited availability of placements. 我们很感激你愿意回馈并帮助我们的年轻病人. 有时,想要在这些地区安排志愿者的等待名单.  Feel free to submit a volunteer application.  Be sure to note this interest on the app.

Q: I am a cancer survivor. Can I volunteer with people receiving treatment?

A: Yes, 然而,在申请志愿者项目之前,我们通常会要求你至少有一年的缓解期.  请随意提交志愿者申请,并在应用程序上注明您的兴趣.

Q: I have a friendly and smart dog that loves people. Can I bring him/her to Upstate to visit people?

A: Upstate has a Pet Therapy program; click here to learn more.

Q: Do you schedule group volunteer opportunities?

A: 我们发现病人护理环境最好是一对一的志愿者服务.  因此,我们大部分的志愿者机会都是面向个人的.  然而,通常情况下,几个志愿者被安排在一起服务一个特定的需求.  请与经理讨论你对小组志愿者机会的想法.                                                         

如果您的公司正在寻找一次性志愿者项目,请随时访问 http://unitedway-cny.org/volunteer/ for more information, or Team Upstate: qgkqrt.megaceram.net/teamupstate/ if you are interested in events.

Q: I'm interested in an internship. How can I apply?

A: 医院在一年中的不同时间提供实习机会. 实习/工作见习机会不受志愿者服务部监管.  Visit Upstate’s http://qgkqrt.megaceram.net/hr/jobs/internships.php page for more information.  Information about Job Shadowing can be found here: http://qgkqrt.megaceram.net/hr/jobs/shadow_days.php

Q: Where do I park while volunteering?

A: 在志愿者服务期间,我们的访客停车场免费提供停车位.
