
高级EMT (AEMT)原件

EMS & 护理人员培训
联系人: 道格·桑德布鲁克,麻萨诸塞州,NRP
电话: 315 464-4851
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Career and workforce centers around New York State administer to the WIOA training opportunity and can supply funding for education or training.  For more information or to find your local career center, follow the link below to the New York State Department of Labor and filter by your county of residence or your region.

New York State Department of Labor - Career Centers


No classes are currently scheduled.  Please check back frequently for any updates.

推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) Course gives you the strength and skills to advance your career in Emergency Medical 服务. We train students how to lead with confidence in high stress, emergency scenarios. The AEMT program prepares the student to provide basic and limited advanced emergency medical care and transportation for critical and emergent patients who access the emergency medical system.

AEMTs are qualified in advanced emergency care by a competency-based training program that consists of didactic hours, 临床旋转, 还有实地实习. 学生花费大约:

  • 150 classroom hours where students develop skillful techniques and achieve an in-depth understanding of many areas of medicine, including: anatomy and physiology, 病人评估, 静脉注射访问, 紧急药理学, 气道管理, 心脏病学, 创伤, 新生儿学, 还有更多
  • 120 hours in a series of 临床旋转 in the hospital setting where emergency procedures are practiced and critical thinking skills are applied to real patients
  • 150 hours of internship working in the field under the experienced preceptors

The student’s NYS EMT certification must remain valid throughout the program. DOH BEMS Reimbursement does not cover tuition for this program. This course prepares you for the NYS and National certification exams.


National Registry of EMT: Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians


推荐最近最火的赌博软件 EMS Programs reserves the right to deny admission or readmission of any individual considered detrimental to the best interests of the Program or the Department of 急诊医学. Each student must be able to assume the duties and responsibilities of an AEMT with or without reasonable accommodation as outlined by the Department of Health.

All students must maintain a valid NYS EMT certification throughout the program. Failure to maintain a current certification will result in removal from the program. Must be able to read and write the English language.

Student Financial Responsibilities

Students are responsible for any and all costs associated with their course.  If a student damages an affiliated agency or 推荐最近最火的赌博软件's equipment or property, they may be held responsible for costs or damages

AEMT计划目标 & 终端学习目标

Provide the student with the knowledge and experience required to assess and treat a single or multiple system 创伤 patient in any given situation, including conditions involving the respiratory system, 心血管系统, 神经系统, muscular-skeletal系统, 皮肤系统, 内分泌系统, 消化系统, 泌尿生殖系统, 生殖系统.

Provide the student with an understanding of the principles used in treating medical emergencies involving pediatrics, 产科, 新生儿, 低灌注(冲击), 行为障碍, 毒理学, 酗酒和滥用药物, 老年病学, 速发型过敏反应, 以及传染病.

Provide the student with the training to perform the following at the appropriate time in the correct situation:

  • Airway management and ventilation
  • 气管插管术
  • 静脉注射管子
  • Administration of medications by intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous routes
  • 胸膜减压
  • 夹板的应用, 用绷带包扎, spinal immobilization and use of other device appropriate to the care of the sick and injured
  • Disentanglement of a patient, packaging and removal from the scene
  • Methods of radio communication with pertinent parties including medical control, dispatch, etc.
  • 报告写作技巧
  • Understanding of the role and responsibilities of the AEMT in performing both emergency and operational aspects of the job